Today you can remove all the guesswork and scientifically establish the key breeds, traits and behaviours that make up your dog. Dog Breed Identification testing with homeDNAdirect starts from only £89!
We offer one of the most sophisticated and detailed dog DNA testing systems on the market. These tests have been beneficial for dog breeders and in general, dog enthusiasts around the globe.
Information about your Personalized Results
Your results include:
- Key canine breeds, types and varieties detected
- History, appearance and behaviour of the detected breeds
- How key physical traits were inherited
- Additional possible mixed-breed signatures
- Predicted weight for adulthood
- Information about breed and weight information.
The most important piece of information included in your results package is details about the top dog breeds mixed within your dog’s DNA. You can learn how these breeds of dog act and react, their behavioural and learning patterns. You will also be given guidelines to follow when training your dog and understand the most effective type of training.
You will also be provided with a detailed family tree of the dog’s parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. It is possible to see what breeds these dogs are and when new breeds were introduced into the mix. This dog DNA kit is a valuable resource for dog breeders and individuals who want to understand their dogs on a genetic level. We have all of the information ready for you, all you have to do is order your kit to get the answers to all the questions you may have about your dog’s heritage.

The Dog Breed Identification test covers more than 350 different dog breeds. Take a look at the full list of breeds tested.
The Testing Procedure
The first thing you will need to do is order your dog test. After you pay for the test we will send you a sample collection kit that contains the following:
- Instructions
- (2) DNA cheek swabs – both for use on one dog
- Pre-paid label and envelope for shipping back to the laboratory
All you have to do is swab the inside of their cheek with BOTH swabs, let them dry and put them in the swab envelope included in the kit. Send everything back to us and we will get your results emailed to you within 3 weeks from receipt of samples at the laboratory.
Once we get your dog’s DNA it will be run through a series of tests where 1,800 of your dog’s genetic markers are compared to come up with a unique profile for your pup. The profile is used to come up with a comprehensive report on your dog’s genetic information. The results are easy to understand and practical, which makes them perfect for dog breeders and any dog owner who seeks scientific certitude regarding the breed(s) of their dog.
Important Note: Is your dog from a country outside Mainland U.S. or Western Europe?
The Dog Breed Identification test was developed using pure breeds primarily from those found on The Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club registry lists. If your dog was imported from a country or region other than the United Kingdom, mainland United States, Canada, Australia or Western Europe, or you think that your dog’s ancestors are from outside these countries or regions; your dog’s breed ancestry may not be well represented in our database. This mostly applies to dogs from Eastern Europe, Greece and the Middle East as genetic markers of breeds from these countries are not always compatible with the markers used in our database and this could adversely affect the results.
Important Note: Is your dog a pit bull?
The term “pit bull” does not refer to a single dog breed. Instead, it is used to refer to a genetically diverse group of breeds that share similar physical traits.
Historically, pit bull-type dogs have been bred by combining guard-type breeds with terriers to achieve certain desired characteristics. The result of this is the retention of genetic similarities to the original breeds and other closely related dog breeds.
Due to the dog breed group’s genetic diversity, Wisdom Health cannot build a DNA profile that genetically identifies every dog visually classified as a pit bull. However, the laboratory can detect various quantities of the component pure-bred dogs; these are the American Staffordshire Terrier, Boston Terrier, Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Boxer, Bulldog, and various other terriers and guard breeds.
Also note that depending on the tested dog’s individual ancestry, there will often be other breeds outside the guard and terrier groups included in the mix.
Because some communities have placed restrictions on pit bull ownership, Wisdom Health encourages dog owners and care providers to be aware of their local laws, which vary across the country, when considering DNA testing.